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Ali and Viqar: Language labyrinths: Exploring linguistic markers in mental health assessments


The search for novel strategies for understanding and forecasting clinical circumstances is never-ending in the complicated field of mental health treatment. Therefore, as technology advances and our knowledge of human conduct grows, an exhilarating new opportunity offers itself as the capacity to identify alerting indicators before they mould into unfavourable developments. That is why this goal is motivated by the airy signals delivered by nature, where wakeful viewers may recognize approaching storms among the bluster of sounds in the West African jungle. 1

In psychiatry, investigators try to decode the minute signals encoded in patients' vocabulary and manners, just like one may look for indicative differences in the theme of the jungle. Moreover, this endeavour has an optimistic future because of the evolution of intelligent widgets and remote monitoring, equivalent to the exactness and foresightedness of weather forecasting. However, as we continue exploring the complexities of human thinking and speech, we encounter several difficulties.2

On the other hand, this pursuit needs technological expertise and even the demand for legal and ethical analysis. Besides these, we face problems of privacy, independence, and the delicate line between intervention and non-interference as we work to operate the possibility of secular modelling and predictive analytics ultimately.

In this dynamic background, reliability surfaces as a declaration that tells all our activities, from algorithm development to data interpretation. That is why we are continually reminded of our massive duty to seek understanding and forethought in mental health treatment as we cross this landscape.

As we seek predictive psychiatry, we will discuss how technology, cognition, and ethics bisect in this introduction; alongside, we will investigate the possibility, hardships, and moral problems present in this evolving issue via a multidisciplinary viewpoint.3

Materials and Methods

Study design

Retrospective review

Data collection method

The review of our literature included all articles from MEDLINE/PubMed from 2019 onwards. Search terms included, language markers, speech features, thought disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders. Similar and unnecessary articles were not considered. We looked through the retrieved articles references to find more relevant studies.

Sampling technique

Purposeful sampling.

Data analysis procedure

Findings from relevant studies were systematically identified and evaluated to draw comprehensive and meaningful conclusions on the research topic.


The included review involved research papers that explored language features in clinical interviews with psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. These works employed methodological approaches such as NLP, machine learning, and purely linguistic approaches to search for and assess the linguistic signs of cognitive and affective disorders.

The studies collectively highlighted several key linguistic markers indicative of disturbed thought processes:

  1. Syntax and Grammar Abnormalities: Confused speech and grammatical mistakes were found to be present throughout the patients who have schizophrenia and various other thought disorders. These included having two or three breaks between a sentence, choosing the wrong words, or having a miss in between a group of words forming a sentence.

  2. Semantic Coherence: Deficits in semantic connection, which was a decrease in the amount and the logical progression of the content the patients produced, were apparent in people diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. Although less evident, this marker was present with mood disorders and contributed to the overall assessment.

  3. Speech Fluency: The other speaking skill affected in schizophrenia and anxiety disorders was fluency, with features like pausing, filler words, and repetitions. Such disruptions were a manifestation of the performances of cognitive processes.

  4. Affective Language: Negative affective terms were identified frequently in major depressive disorder patients, and the words that conveyed sadness, anger and hopelessness were highlighted. On the other hand, manic episodes in bipolar disorder were associated with more significant usage of POS words.

  5. Self-Referential Language: The first observed difference was that self-referential statements, which the subjects used when ruminating about themselves and often in an excessive manner, were noted to be present in both depression and anxiety disorders.

Table 1 shows a glance at the summary of the key linguistic markers discussed in this review, the related psychiatric disorders, and the possibilities of early diagnosis as well as the link to treatment approaches.

Table 1

Summary of linguistic markers and their relation to psychiatric disorders, diagnostic potential and treatment approaches

Linguistic Marker

Associated Disorders

Diagnostic Potential

Implications for Treatment

Syntax and Grammar Abnormalities

Schizophrenia, other thought disorders

Enhanced diagnostic accuracy (80%-90%)

Cognitive-behavioral therapies targeting language organization

Semantic Coherence

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder

Improved tracking of disease progression

Interventions to improve logical flow in speech and writing

Speech Fluency

Schizophrenia, anxiety disorders

Non-invasive monitoring of patient status over time

Strategies to address cognitive processing issues

Affective Language

Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder

Objective measures complement subjective evaluations

Targeting negative affective language in therapy

Self-Referential Language

Depression, anxiety disorders

Reducing excessive self-focus and rumination

Using this table, one can see the summary of the key linguistic markers discussed in the review, the related psychiatric disorders, the possibilities of early diagnosis, and the link to treatment approaches.

This review stressed that including these linguistic markers in diagnostic instruments brings mental health evaluation to a new, higher level. Machine learning algorithms for analysis of linguistic data used for diagnostic accuracy encompassed about 80 per cent to 90 per cent and were judged superior to conventional clinical rating methods. These markers endowed the researchers with comparable, measurable entities that could assist the clinical assessments’ inherent subjectivity.

The longitudinal research presented in the reviewed articles also illustrated the effectiveness of linguistic markers as an objective measure of the disease state and the course of the psychiatric conditions. Shifts in language use became associated with changes in the degree of symptoms, which allowed for identifying the patient’s condition dynamics without invasive interventions. For instance, the use of less damaging effective language as a marker increases the clinical improvement of depression. In contrast, the convergence in semantic coherence in patients’ discourse was related to the recovery of schizophrenia.

Supplementing the therapeutic approach with techniques that counter the particular linguistic impairments that the patient presents may help increase the efficiency of the treatments. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapies could be modified to lessen negative affective words in depressive clients or to improve semantic organization in schizophrenic ones.


Arranging ideas around irrational thinking

Formal thought disorder (FTD) mainly comprises disorganized and incoherent speech, which is a significant clinical factor of schizophrenia. Formal thought disorders (FTDs) are multifaceted, intricate conditions that affect language and communication skills in addition to disrupting cognitive functions like organization, control, processing, and manifestation (Figure 1). Disturbances about the interpretation and consistency of ideas are repeatedly seen in people mourning schizophrenia; alongside, it holds scientific and practical importance. Although not unique to schizophrenia, formal thinking disorder is an essential component of the circumstances's phenomenology; moreover, it is likewise paramount to both diagnosis and therapy.

Figure 1

According to Hart and Lewine (2017), the formal thought disorder has a "multifaceted structure" in terms of thought, language, and communication.


Understanding the entire causes of reflection disorders has enticed much awareness, especially in light of their relationship to the cognitive impairments related to schizophrenia. Disturbances in operating memory, concentration, language, and semantic remembering have been suggested as possible reasons for thought disorders. Unfortunately, despite intensive study efforts, it has been demonstrated to be challenging to determine a single essential cognitive deficiency that drives thinking disorder; therefore, it could be because the underlying pathology of thinking disorder is multifaceted. 4, 5

Although various psychological categories might partly describe the monitored data, it was even challenging to remember a single cognitive defect as the primary cause of thinking disorder. Elvevåg and Goldberg (1997) presented this point straightforwardly by pointing out that the underlying pathology is multifaceted.6

Studying the semantic community and its position in thought disorders seemed to be one profitable line of inquiry. However, the results of the semantic community were surprisingly tricky, even after thorough scientific research into this cognitive process. For example, research on the organization and knowledge of natural categories has instructed complex relationships between several taxonomic levels that further oppose earlier theories regarding semantic organization.

Although disturbances in the configuration and coherence of view are an essential aspect of schizophrenia, identifying the exact cognitive functions that underlie thinking disorder is still a challenging and varied task. Though early theories associated particular cognitive impairments, the sophistication of the circumstances indicates that considerable cognitive procedures and their relations must be taken into narrative for a complete interpretation of thought disorder.

Alongside, statistical taxonomic associations in both patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects were anticipated likewise by the mathematical instantiation representative used in the study. The oversimplified theory that the strange content and configuration of the patients' vocabulary indicated a disturbance in their actual knowledge, characterized by semantic pictures and the words used to guide them, was refuted by this study.7

Even with the insights obtained from this narrow language assignment, it became clear that disordered understanding in free speech was far more complicated and intricate. The extended patient interviews, usually 45 minutes or more, were a part of the formal assessment process; the interviewer and the already ill patient had a lot on their scales due to this method. Due to the subjective character of the assessment, biases may have affected the outcomes, especially if there had been distractions during the consultation.8

The infrequency of this measurement procedure was one of its primary drawbacks, and the thinking disorders were known to shift quickly over brief periods, often within a couple of days, and full consultations were not possible to accomplish daily. The regular assessment was essential to create a comprehensive grasp of the reflection disorder and track progress during the restorative process. However, the current approaches must be revised to fulfil this need.9

Considering disordered understanding in free speech gave numerous difficulties, even if the captured language task offered insightful information about the semantic organization of language in patients with schizophrenia. Alongside this, the outcome of more authentic and efficient measuring techniques that could reflect the dynamic nature of cognitive disorders and further enable frequent monitoring in clinical settings is essential to overcome these obstacles.10

Reading stories aloud: warning signals or symptoms?

Psychiatric diagnostic techniques and treatment monitoring still heavily rely on the patient's verbal self-expression during clinical consultations, even in the twenty-first century. The foundation of patient-clinician relations promotes patients to communicate their histories and recall details doctors think are critical. A more systematic and reductionist approach to narrative research could reveal significant indicators of mental health. Besides these, it is significant to provide medical insights, even though such confidential storytelling delivers excellent phenomenological understandings of symptoms.11

The reliability of symptom appraisal based on speech patterns offered by patients can be highly compromised;   speaking aloud from a story delivers an understanding into people's minds and feelings beyond just the emitted word. The storytellers use subtle nuances in their tone, rhythm, and phrase choice to reveal underlying mental health hardships as they incorporate storylines. Speech patterns that change, such as hesitancy, repeats, or intonation changes, might be utilized as early forewarning signs of mental illness or emotional instability. The stories' meaning may emphasize unsolved tensions or more in-depth psychological themes, providing clinicians with essential information for diagnosis and treatment planning.

During storytelling sessions, healthcare providers can sufficiently comprehend their patients' backgrounds, and they will also be able to customize interventions to satisfy their precise needs by following these verbal and nonverbal indicators. Reading stories aloud thus evolves beyond entertainment; it also becomes an adequate means of identifying and resolving warning signs or manifestations of mental health problems.12

Telling new tales while using computed ears

Within the academic community, there is a growing passion with new computational models in behavioural science, particularly those based on similar distributed processing models and the rapidly evolving field of computational psychiatry. The pioneers in this field include Eric Chen, Jonathan Cohen, David Servan-Schreiber, and Ralph Hoffman, whose groundbreaking assistance is significant in providing an experimental framework that will further offer testable and refutable models and shed light on the complicated relationship between symptoms and underlying neurocognition.13

The computational modelling's meticulous attention to detail has demonstrated beneficial in the empirical psychological approach to examining the cognitive reinforcements of schizophrenia. The researchers want to enhance cognitive phenotypes connected to the disease by completing neurocognitive assays that more accurately describe the essential functions closely tied to neurobiology, and the investigation of putative cognitive instruments underlying patients' speech-symptomatic thinking disorders is of particular interest. Although there was originally doubt about the significance of language as a metric for representing phenotypes of schizophrenia, investigation into novel theories concerning structural cerebral asymmetries and their role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia has been stimulated by the groundbreaking work of Tim Crow and Lynn DeLisi.14

In addition, Tim Crow made a courageous theory that a gene connected to the development of cerebral specialization and human language may play a role in the beginning of schizophrenia. It is paramount to recognize that "asymmetric pathology is not necessarily pathology of asymmetry," even if irregularities in brain asymmetry were discovered, it was not fully comprehended why these asymmetry irregularities might cause psychosis as opposed to developmental language problems in later life.15

The idea that non-right-handedness is a heritable trait connected to a higher risk of schizophrenia was not reinforced by observed results regarding handedness, despite these mesmerizing notions about anomalous lateralization and its potential outcomes for schizophrenia. The notion that non-right-handedness is associated with a more heightened risk of schizophrenia has not been sustained by the results of the few investigations that have corresponded with patients with schizophrenia, their unpretentious siblings, and inapplicable healthy management using structural magnetic resonance imaging data.16

The future of storytelling: innovative approaches

Healthcare chatbots in the healthcare sector have advanced dramatically, enabling patients to share their histories with these virtual friends. Cutting-edge natural language processing methods are used to analyze these talks. The stories are paramount to the human experience because they are an efficient way to organize information. Thus, recalling stories can deliver critical information on mental health and memory.

Many cognitive processes are implicated in the narrative process between the queries a doctor asks and the patient's answers. In the future, a possible alternative to the reductionist approach used by standard neuropsychology to consider discrete behavioural aspects like verbal recollection or attention could be to derive comparable constructs from the narrative process. Aligning these components with computational features acquired from tale recollection can help achieve this; essentially, this method could allow the real-time extraction of useful diagnostic indicators from a "mental blood test" consisting of a few minutes of speech.17

To make this idea a reality, the speech elicitation task of storytelling should be carefully prepared, with each element theoretically quantified and supported by clinical rationale. On the other hand, the Longitudinal and distant evaluation would be feasible with frequent management of a range of similar stories. The deep semantic themes would be considered, and the speech would be automatically scored. Such diversified and frequent testing could offer more subtle and early insights into patients' changing mental and cognitive health. 18

Ultimately, the development of new psychometrics, where dynamics play a prominent role in apprehending individuals, is essential to discover the full potential of this approach. Moreover, this framework will be necessary for real-time modelling to anticipate future mental and cognitive states prospectively and for leveraging longitudinal data to comprehend how temporal dynamical differences correlate with cognitive and mental states.


Thus, this article combines many strategies for defining the linguistic markers and the role of their usage in the contemporary approach towards mental disorders' treatment, and it assists in the comprehension of this matter. Syntax/grammatical issues, semantic integration, speech fragmentation, emotional language, and pronoun use have been found. Our literature proves the effectiveness of using linguistic markers as transitional assets in conducting psychological assessments. Thus, it is possible to facilitate a destructive environment for new techniques to help increase treatments' diagnostic potential and effectiveness for those affected by such illnesses.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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